We gather in worship to receive God's gifts and respond with prayer and praise. This worship is ordered in a liturgy. Liturgy refers to the usual order of the things we say and do when we come together on Sunday mornings. At Christ Our Savior you'll receive a bulletin that will guide you through the liturgy, and your neighbor will also gladly assist.
You may find a sample of the bulletin here.
We receive God's gifts in worship in two fundamental ways: Word and Sacrament. God speaks to us through the Scriptures that are read each week and the sermon that is preached. Lutheran preaching is centered on proclaiming the good news of forgiveness, life, and salvation through Christ Jesus. At Christ Our Savior the sermon is rooted in the Scriptures, points to Jesus, and is applicable to your daily life. Continue below to read about the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper.
The liturgy is full of riches from the Scriptures and Christian tradition but it can be strange or even intimidating if you are not familiar with it. We invite you to join us for worship, to ask any questions you have, and to grow familiar with this form of worship.

Visitors & The Lord's Supper
Keeping with the historic practice of the Christian church, we celebrate the Lord's Supper every Sunday in worship. The Lord's Supper is a communal meal for the church. In this meal, Jesus gives his body and blood joined to the bread and wine. Jesus gives this meal to the church as a promise and assurance of the forgiveness, life, and salvation that he won in his death and resurrection.
This meal unites us to Jesus and unites us to one another. For this reason we enter this meal together united in love and public confession of our faith and doctrine. This means unity in what it means to follow Jesus as our Lord and a commitment to do so together.
In this meal we remember what Jesus did for us 2,000 years ago in his earthly ministry. We receive his gifts each and every thime we celebrate the Lord's Supper today. We look forward to the day that Jesus returns, restores hi creation, and dwells with his people without end.
Given the content and purpose fo this meal, we ask that all visitors wanting to share in it first speak with our pastor outside the Sunday morning service to see whether it is appropriate. Otherwise, we invite you to come up and request a prayer of blessing or remain seated during distribution.
To be clear: we want everyone to commune. But it has to be on Jesus' terms; it's His Supper after all. Speak with our pastor to find out how you may join in.
Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church
Our congregation is pleased to be a member of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod. | 21900 FM 1431 Lago Vista, TX 78645 | 512-267-7121